Jumat, 09 April 2010


I looked down at my tires on my van and I was amazed. I had a good half inch tread left even though I had over sixty thousand miles on my tires. To me I didn't know it was a miracle, but when my son, the mechanic, looked at them, he was astonished.

So many times we take God for granted, we think He doesn't see our needs or understand how hard our life has become. But when we take the time to slow down from our fast paced life we see the miracles.

Walking outside my door, I admired all of the trees in my yard and the trees that decorated my neighbors yards. I began to notice that many of the pine trees were turning brown and dying. A twenty-five foot pine tree stood stately in my front lawn and I was afraid that whatever was killing my neighbors trees would affect my tree as well.

I wasn't sure how to protect my tree and so I consulted an expert. He said it was a disease that was taking all the pine trees in our area. I prayed for God's protection over my tree and the years passed with my tree being unaffected by the death of it's counter parts.

I left that house and moved into another home. Within six months of my move the pine tree I had asked God to protect, died.

Maybe God singled me out for these miracles or maybe my miracles could be your miracles too. Many of us have stopped praying and asking God for help. Many of us have given up hope because we have stopped looking beyond the problems we are facing at the moment.

Isaiah 65:1, "The Lord said, 'I was ready to answer my people's prayers, but they did not pray. I was ready for them to find me, but they did not even try. The nation did not pray to me, even though I was always ready to answer, Here I am; I will help you.'"

These are just two miracles, but I have many more to share and many that I can't share because I am unaware of God's miracle working plan in my life every day. All I can say for sure is I know God listens to me and reacts when I take the time to let Him know my needs.

For the past three years I have prayed that God would give me good gas mileage and protect me from hitting deer as I traveled back and forth in the early morning each week to pick up work for my upholstery business. I prayed that He would give me good weather and less wind except when I needed the wind to increase my gas mileage.

Every prayer was meant with an answer of yes. Many people have told me stories about how they are afraid to travel at certain times of the day because of deer. But I am not afraid!

Daniel 10:17&18, "I am like a slave standing before his master. How can I talk to you? I have no strength or breath left in me.

Once more he took hold of me, and I felt stronger. He said, 'God loves you, so don't let anything worry you or frighten you."

One time I looked down just for a moment and when I looked up there was a deer in my head lights right in front of my face. Yet I didn't hit the deer. This is the reason why I believe in miracles, because I should have hit that deer.

I have prayed for God to keep termites out of my house and my roof from leaking. And God answered my prayers with yes. I prayed that God would help me pick shoes with enough cushion and support to help protect my back and feet as I worked on the cement floors of my shop and He answered my prayer, yes.

There were times when my children came to me rebellious and unhappy over having to go back and forth from their dad's household to mine and I would pray for God's help. I prayed asking God to give me miracles because I needed His help to get me through the stress that filled my life.

1Thessalonians 5:17&18, "Pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances. This what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus."

As long as I was praying and giving my cares to God, He answered my every day needs. Yet there were times when I was tested just to see if not getting my needs met would make me let go of my faith in Him.

The ice maker in my refrigerator leaked. I prayed over the problem, but even after the entire refrigerator was replaced the new one leaked too.

Instead of God answering my prayers the way I wanted them answered, He would give me the strength to stand up instead. I would meet the problems with patience and long suffering and the endurance that only the Holy Spirit could give a weak human being like myself.

Philippians 4:13, "I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me."

Growing in my faith in God was part of learning how to become stronger so that I would remain firm during harder trials. Still every day life things happened showing me that among the miracles of God protecting me most of the time, I still had a lot to learn about this world.

God wanted me to be dependent on Him so when my children were taken away from me and custody given to their father because I was gay, I would not just roll up in a ball and be depressed. God showed me that my dependence gave me the strength to go through bad things that were meant to take away my faith by Satan.

I found out very quickly that our world was never meant to be a frolicking playground. From scriptures to the way that God had me lead my life, I learned that we were never suppose to make this world our home.

Our home is with our Father in Heaven. This world is a testing ground to teach us how our dependence on God makes us stronger. This world is a game of life that teaches us to love and have compassion above what people think is sin.

When we go through problems and we don't have our needs met in this world we learn just how important it is to believe beyond ourselves. We learn how our dependence on God creates a determination to hold onto love no matter what society thinks.

How many times has God protected me from an accident or even from an illness? How many times has God carried me as I cried over how my family and society treated me? How many times did God keep me safe even though it was illegal for me to love another woman in the state that I lived?

Miracles are an every day part of my life because my life demanded faith for me to survive. I celebrate my life and I am thankful for what I have suffered, because it has changed me.

So from the little prayers in life to the big prayers of existence, I Believe in the miracle of God!

THE GAME OF LIFE IT'S ALMOST OVER, By Linda C Dipman is unlike anything you have ever read or seen before, exposing the world as a multi-faceted game surrounding every persons life. We are at War! Battling forces of evil versus good. www.outskirtspress.com/gameoflife

My name is Linda C Dipman and I am the author of THE GAME OF LIFE IT'S ALMOST OVER. I prove through the Bible and my own life story that we are in a huge multifaceted world game. My web page is www.outskirtspress.com/gameoflife. Go to Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.com and Read THE GAME OF LIFE IT'S ALMOST OVER today and understand your destiny and how to win your game.

Semua dari kita yang panjang untuk menghubungkan dengan seseorang yang dapat mengidentifikasi dengan keadaan kita dan berbagi dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Doa adalah hanya itu - sebuah pengalaman pribadi dan hubungan intim dengan sumber kami lebih tinggi, sumber utama, Bapa Surgawi, Allah, apa pun yang ingin Anda panggil hubungan.

Yesus, hamba Allah, seperti yang diceritakan dalam Alkitab Kristen, menasihati kita untuk berdoa demikian:

"Percayalah kepada Tuhan," jawab Yesus. Oleh karena itu Aku berkata kepadamu apa saja yang kamu minta dan doakan, percayalah bahwa kamu akan menerima, dan itu akan menjadi milikmu. ~ Mark 11:22, 24

Dalam Matius kita menemukan:

"Tapi ketika Anda berdoa, masuk ke kamar, menutup pintu dan berdoa kepada Bapa Anda, yang tak terlihat. Maka Bapamu yang melihat apa yang dilakukan secara rahasia, akan pahala Anda ~ Matius. 6:6"

Menurut Anda, mengapa doa dilakukan secara rahasia?

Untuk waspada atas pikiran kita, tindakan, hasrat dan keinginan. Untuk melindungi sama dari orang lain yang buruk tidak mungkin 'pikiran seperti' atau bahkan penuh kasih tentang menahan diri dari casting path.To kami mutiara sebelum babi.

Doa tidak memerlukan ritual, atau pengaturan tertentu. Doa mungkin diucapkan sederhana dan diam-diam untuk diri sendiri. Hal ini juga dapat dirayakan dengan keras dan dengan gerakan besar. Cara ini dilakukan adalah unik untuk keinginan Anda dan keadaan.

Tindakan doa adalah komunikasi yang terdalam dari diri untuk diri yang tertinggi. Doa memastikan bahwa kehendak dan kebijaksanaan yang tertinggi dan terbaik dari diri kita diakui oleh diri dan mengarahkan kita kepada sikap dan ketinggian keinginan kita kita ingin mengambil dan menjadi satu dengan.

Ini adalah percakapan kami mengambil untuk mengarahkan diri kita kepada hasil yang ingin kita alami. Ini adalah pribadi dan unik. Doa dapat biasa-biasa saja atau mewah. Dalam arti biasa, mari kita katakan Anda bermalam di hotel, di sebuah kota Anda tidak terbiasa dengan. Anda ingin menemui sebuah toko roti yang membuat roti jenis tertentu. Menjaga nasihat Yesus dalam pikiran, Anda mungkin negara doa Anda dengan cara ini:

"Aku memanggil concierge hotel dan minta daftar toko roti itu membakar roti adonan asam perancis Dia memberi saya daftar nomor telepon;. Aku setiap panggilan satu dan menemukan toko roti terdekat dan memesan akan disampaikan dalam satu jam ini atau sesuatu yang lebih baik.. Terima kasih dengan baik untuk semua pihak, Amin. "

Dapatkah Anda melihat dinamika doa ini? Itu menunjuk setiap langkah dari misi Anda percaya diri dengan hasil yang Anda minta untuk terjadi. Dapat Doa ini sederhana.

Sekarang, anggaplah seseorang yang dekat dengan kamu ada yang sakit. Anda mendengar bahwa Maria telah flu. Segera setelah Anda melihat foto dalam mata pikiran Anda Maria sakit dan mungkin di tempat tidur, Anda membatalkan gambar. Hanya berkata: "Hari ini, aku mendengar bahwa Maria sakit flu saya membatalkan gambar penyakit Marys 'dalam mata pikiran saya dan menggantinya dengan doa saya kesehatan.."

"Saya melihat Maria 'wajah tersenyum aku melihat wajah Maria' cerah dan bercahaya dengan kesehatan.. Aku melihat Maria berjalan di kamarnya, membuat tempat tidur, melemparkan muatan cucian di mesin cuci. Aku melihat Maria makan malam perencanaan untuk keluarganya. Aku Maria melihat keseluruhan, sehat, aktif, lincah dan sibuk dengan hidupnya seperti biasa. ini atau sesuatu yang lebih baik. Terima kasih dengan baik untuk semua pihak, Amin. "

Sepanjang sisa hari itu, terus melihat Maria sebagai sehat dan bersemangat.

Ketika Yesus mengajar, kami hanya memberikan perhatian pada apa yang kita inginkan dan percaya hasilnya akan menjadi seperti yang kita inginkan atau sesuatu yang lebih baik. Seperti yang kita berikan niat sengaja untuk doa-doa kita kita tidak memberikan perhatian atau menghibur ide-ide berlawanan. Melakukan diri kita sendiri dengan cara ini adalah sulit. Hal ini membutuhkan pelatihan untuk menjadi sukses. Anda mungkin tergelincir banyak sebelum Anda mendapatkan baik.

Membuktikan cara hal-hal tampaknya dan cara meminta hal-hal yang dapat mengharuskan Anda untuk waspada atas pikiran dan kebiasaan Anda saat ini menghibur. Tapi, hal itu dapat dilakukan. penguasaan diri merupakan tujuan bernilai baik waktu Anda.